Cookie Policy


A “cookie” is a string of information which assigns you a unique identifier that we store on your computer. Your browser then provides that unique identifier to use each time you submit a query to the Site. Cookies allow us to store information on your visit which can help us to understand how the Site is being used and improve your user experience. We do not store personally identifiable information in cookies we create. Cookies can also help us to identify and resolve errors, or to determine relevant related information to show you when you’re browsing. 


Cookies can help enhance your experience of our website, by letting you navigate between pages efficiently and showing you details that are related to your browsing history. However, you may consider that some of the information that we store is private, and we recognise that you may want to choose whether to receive them on your computer. To help you to decide whether to accept our cookies, we have listed all our cookies in the table below.


Name Purpose Type Description
Session Tracking Session Tracking cookie Session cookie Session cookie used to identify a particular session. Persists for the duration of a session only and does not contain any personal information.
User Profile User Profile Tracking Persistent cookie User profile cookies store a unique identifier for a visitor which corresponds to a profile record in a secured database. This allows you to login on the site and save developments or register for updates.
.ASPXAUTH Login Tracking Session / Persistentcookie Used for authentication. By default the cookie will persist for the current session only, but users have the option to select the “remember Me” option, which will make the cookie persistent.
cookiePolicyCookieKey Policy acceptalnce 1st party cookie When you first visit the website you are provided with a message about our cookie policy. On acceptance a cookie is set so that the message is not displayed again.
Google Analytics – Pages Page tracking 1st or 3rd party cookie All pages contain Google Analytics tracking code which identifies each page viewed by the user. It is not possible to gain any personal information from this system.
Google Analytics – Events Event tracking 1st or 3rd party cookie Certain actions on the website such as requesting a brochure or booking a viewing will trigger an event in Google Analytics. This is used to measure site performance and no personal data is captured. Social sharing 1st or 3rd party cookie This tool allows you to share items on our website on sites such as Facebook or twitter.
Sitecore analytics Page tracking 1st party cookie This allows us to view the number of visits to pages across the website.
YouTube Event Tracking 1st or 3rd party cookie A YouTube cookie is used to provide web analytics in terms of the number of times a video has been watched and/or shared. For further information, read YouTube’s privacy policy at



Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. However, you can remove or reject cookies in your browser’s settings. If you have disabled cookies on your browser, or if your browser does not support cookies, then your preferences will not be retained. Please consult the relevant help files for your browser to determine how to enable and disable cookies.

You can also learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.